TopoLT is a software program developed to suffice the needs of specialists that design topographical or cadastral plans, develop 3D terrain models, or raster image georeferencing. The software is available in several languages and it runs on AutoCAD, BricsCAD or ZWCAD.
Its installation process goes seamlessly and can be customized to the type of user. Once it's done, you get in contact with a decent UI, as per today's expectations. Despite its basic look, it impresses through its responsiveness and menu navigation. The embedded customizations are fairly basic and don't include theme options.
The main features of TopoLT include the option to coordinate sightshot points, translate point codes and optimize point labels. Also, users are able to add multiple stations and calculate the point coordinates in two ways: polar and direct intersections. Other included options are 3D model Cut or Join, volumes calculation, automatic line type change, and real-time 3D rendering.
All things considered, TopoLT is a powerful design tool for realizing topographical and cadastral projects. It comes with a high price and it requires a high-end system, but it gets the job done in a classy fashion.
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